How to Treat Tinnitus in the Oklahoma City Metro Area

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Health

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Tinnitus can be a debilitating mental and physical health problem. While people easily dismiss it as just ringing in the ears, people who suffer from tinnitus know all too well how much persistent ringing, pain, and dizziness affect their lives.

Luckily, there are options to treat tinnitus in the Oklahoma City metro area, even though a full cure hasn’t been discovered yet. Here are some of the treatment options you can seek out.

Hearing Aids

Tinnitus often accompanies hearing loss. One effect of tinnitus is that it effectively “drowns out” surrounding noise which you may want to hear. Getting a hearing aid from an auditory health center such as Oklahoma Hearing Center can help amplify actual sounds around you and drown out the perceived ringing.

Sound Exposure Therapy

Hearing aids are often prescribed in addition to sound exposure therapy. This treatment for tinnitus in the Oklahoma City metro area seeks to provide relief from tinnitus by exposing the ear to other forms of noise. Instead of only hearing the ringing in your ears, you can listen to white noise, natural soundscapes, and other soothing sounds. The hope is that this will rewire neural problems that cause tinnitus.


Sometimes, doctors prescribe medication to treat the effects of tinnitus, although no effective medication has been found to reduce tinnitus completely. Sleep medication can help reduce sleep deprivation caused by persistent ringing in the ears, while anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can manage the mental effects of persistent tinnitus.

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