Yoga has been practiced and taught for more than two millennia – it is thought to have originated some 5 or 6 centuries before the birth of Christ. It is a complex and diversified activity that is basically spiritual practice in combination with mental and physical disciplines that are intended to transform both body and mind. It was originally linked to the Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and their offshoots. There are a number of different approaches but the most well known are the Hatha, Tantra and Raja variants.
Introduction Into The West
The practice was introduced into the west by gurus (teachers) from India during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, those under instruction usually wished to concentrate on the physical exercise and mental calmness aspects rather than concentrate on religious teachings.
Growth In Popularity
The music based counter culture of the “sixties” saw an upsurge of interest in things relating to eastern mysticism and meditation. However, it was not till the 1980’s that taking group Yoga Classes In NJ and around the country achieved mainstream popularity as a form of exercise for people of all ages regardless of religion although, debatably, most of the attendees do tend to be feminine. Sometimes the sessions might be held in regular commercial gyms but the current trend is for special yoga centers which teach several of its different forms; usually on a group basis.
I have not seen any financial figures for the US where some 20 million people are said to be taking some sort of yoga classes but, I have heard that it has become quite a big business throughout Asia where the business is estimated to be in excess of US$500 million per annum.
What To Do If You Wish To Attend Classes In New Jersey
First, find a studio that it is convenient for you to get to and then check their schedules. Some might accept walk in students but most require appointments or bookings to be made. If this will be your first time, try to find one that offers a short series of beginners’ lessons.
You will need to bring suitable work out style clothes with you as well as your own mat. Many studios hold their sessions in a heated room to encourage the students to work up a sweat so you should also take a towel and a bottle of drinking water with you.
For Yoga Classes In Nj, Powerflow Yoga has heated studios in 10 locations around New Jersey State that cater to everyone from novice to the well experienced. Check out the details online by browsing to website.