Swedish Massage is the most commonly practiced & widely known modality of massage therapy in the United States and most Western Societies. In fact, it is essentially the foundation of most Non-Eastern modalities of massage and bodywork. In addition, it is what much research is based on, and from which many modalities derives their techniques. From relaxation to therapeutic massage, elements of Swedish Massage can be found in spas, used in pampering sessions as well as deep tissue therapies. As we increase our learning of the structure and function of the human body that these techniques are built upon, we begin to change our focus from Swedish Massage to deeper, more specific facets of our work. The techniques learned in Swedish Massage are the tools which will support and compliment all future variations of your style and intent in this vast profession.
The precepts of Swedish Massage are based on the intent to increase circulation, as we engage a greater sense of body awareness, relationship to touch, and a deeper sense of neurological control. It is very practical in its design and application, and although it is the foundation for what the future of your education holds, it is a legitimate and therapeutic modality on its own. It is our belief that Swedish Massage techniques are very relaxing, rhythmical, and “flowing” (for the intent of increasing local blood circulation and/or increasing production of serotonin). In keeping with this intentionality, it is our hope that this ideology remains with you, as you explore other techniques and modalities. All aspects of massage therapy can be practically applied, for a variety of goals, however, touch therapies at best have a sense of kindness, acceptance, and dare we say, pleasure. While there are just a few strokes we cover in the structure of Swedish Massage, not all the techniques have the same purpose, and not all therapists have the same approach. It is our goal that you, the massage therapist, begin to own these strokes, and bring yourself forward even as you begin to journey into your own personal relationship with massage therapy.
Common sense is that which judges the things given to it by other senses. Leonardo da Vinci