Do you have chronic health conditions? Does it sometimes feel like you’re constantly being poked and prodded and medicated to the point of drowsiness or nausea, all in the name of healing? If so, you may be like many other Americans, feeling ready to abandon western...
Tips From a Reputable Allergy Doctor in Louisville KY
Tips for everyday life can help prevent severe allergies, especially for people who know they are susceptible to specific allergens. For instance, allergy sufferers should keep their windows and doors closed during high pollen count days. Here are some other things to...
What You Need to Know About Medical Licensing Companies
If you have never used the services of medical licensing companies to help secure or renew your license and it is something you are considering, there are things you need to know. First, you should understand the value of the services of medical licensing companies....
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? The condition refers to a type of psychiatric disorder often seen in people who have gone through or witnessed a traumatic life event. While it’s also known as shell shock or combat fatigue, PTSD isn’t a condition that only...
What to Expect When You See an Infertility Doctor
While many couples achieve pregnancy by traditional means within a year, there are plenty of couples out there that require alternative methods to assist them their efforts. For a couple that is having a difficult time conceiving a baby, it can be an extremely...