Any procedure that a person undergoes requires some downtime afterward to allow for proper healing. A facelift qualifies in this category. A facelift in CT performed by a cosmetic surgeon is a lengthy procedure that can last up to four hours. Since incisions are made,...
Cosmetic Surgery
Types Of Cosmetic Surgeries In Chicago IL
Elective surgery is a great tool to help improve the way you look, which can help boost your self esteem. However, most people don’t realize that most cosmetic procedures are done by surgery and which types are available. Cosmetic procedures in Chicago, IL can include...
When To Consider Breast Reduction In Chicago
Most of the time, you rarely hear about women wanting to reduce the size of their breasts. Society has made it to where big breasts are almost a status symbol and all the celebrities want larger, more beautiful breasts than ever before. However, there are many times...
What You Should Know About The Tummy Tuck Procedure
There is no question that most people wish they could have their weight distributed a bit more evenly on their body. However, in many situations, this desire is never fulfilled. Gender, genetics and a number of other factors that are not in your control will determine...
Benefits of a Tummy Tuck in CT
Looking good is a major part of feeling good about yourself and having the self-esteem to go out in the world and do anything you want to do. Along with having a well-groomed appearance, body image is a major factor in this equation. Unfortunately life changes such as...