Be Certain You are Accurately Billing for Medicare preventative services

by | Nov 14, 2013 | Health

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There has been a lot of concern and debate in the United States about the cost and frequent waste that occurs with Medicare. Many medical offices are also unable to adequately bill for the services they offer because of time constraints or confusion over rules and procedures.

The Medicare program is too important to eliminate, with many people relying on the services the program offers just to survive. It is also important for patients to be able to continue to see the practitioners they have come to know and trust. The best option at this point becomes about saving money and ensuring accurate billing through improving efficiency.

Polygon Health has developed a software system that teaches clinics how they can establish Medicare preventative services at their own practices by utilizing processes such as the Annual Wellness Visit (AMV) and ensuring proper credit is received for each visit. The AWV is designed to expand upon a patients initial wellness visit when they began receiving Medicare, and establish a personal care plan for them, with no cost to the patient.

It is possible to enact an efficient method of performing these visits through the Medicare Wellness Solution. This a software solution that is capable of untangling the confusion and keeping your staff running smoothly. The tablet-based Medicare preventative services are offered through this software and include individual steps broken into average times to help plan schedules by. These steps include patient supplied information and preliminary assessments by Nurse Practitioners or Medical assistants.

This program also includes tools to ensure follow up appointments and regular testing to keep everyone at the office on their toes. All of these steps also help to ensure that you are being accurately reimbursed by Medicare.

This step-by-step program is easy to establish and easy to follow through with. It is a definitive way to ensure you are offering a full range of Medicare preventative services and receiving back your full compensation for them. Additionally, the Medicare Wellness Solution offers tips for treatment beyond the annual wellness visit. The program can be implemented into your practice within three weeks. Training is available so you can gain an understanding of the program and make the most out of what it has to offer.

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