Careful driving can reduce the odds of being involved in an automobile accident, but defensive driving isn't enough to prevent all accidents. There are often many calls to make after an auto accident, but the first call or meeting you make should be with a St....
Lucretia Bottcher
Smart Choices: How to Choose Supplements
Smart choices make a difference. Here’s how to choose supplements wisely to fit your needs: Know what you need Your nutritional needs change as you age. You’ll need to factor that in when you look for supplements. You’ll also need to consider your diet and any medical...
What Home Care Can Provide
You might be on the fence about whether you need home care. Maybe your parent is starting to struggle a bit, and you’re not sure if it’s time to take the step. You might be considering, and dreading, the option of checking into a nursing home. If you value your, or...
The Benefits of Housekeeping for Senior Adults
As people age, it is normal for it to get harder and harder to take care of the chores and products around the house that need to be done. When it gets more difficult for seniors to move freely around the home, it makes sense that their homes will not be as clean or...
The Basics of Dog Health Care in Barnegat, NJ
Like you, your dog needs to have its health care needs taken care of by a talented professional. And just like you visit the doctor, you need to take your dog to an animal clinic. When you first get your dog, you need to ensure that it has the necessary battery of...