Have you ever heard of an Asian massage? This approach is based on the concept of restoring the proper balance of the body’s energy flow. This flow is normally referred to as the chi. Involving specific types of touch that are intended to remove energy blockages and...
Lucretia Bottcher
Treating Your Body With a Delightful Scrub to Feel Renewed and Refreshed
Sometimes, you might need to give your skin a relaxing treatment that also gently exfoliates. A body scrub treatment can leave your skin feeling refreshed and renewed after only using the product one or two times. Make sure you read the ingredients before applying the...
What to Expect When Visiting a Chiropractor in Ferguson
A visit to a Chiropractor in Ferguson can be an intimidating experience if you don’t know what to expect. Here are some information that should help eliminate some of the fear and anxiety when visiting a Chiropractor for the first time. A Chiropractor will follow...
Are You Considering Having Botox Done?
When thinking about undergoing any type of cosmetic procedure, it’s incredibly important to do your homework. This can not only help you understand whether or not the procedure is right for you, but also what to expect before, during, and afterwards. If you’re looking...
Which Service Is Best? Assisted Living Vs. In Home Nursing Care
Caring for an elderly or disabled family member is a lot of burden and can cause extreme amounts of stress. Guilt often comes with having to hire outside help to assist with their proper care and day-to-day living routine. However, hiring professional nursing care not...