Undergoing Drug or Alcohol Rehabilitation That’s Tailored to Your Gender

by | Aug 1, 2019 | Health

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Drug and alcohol addiction many times affects men and women the same. Addicts of both genders suffer health problems like cirrhosis and anemia. They also engage in habits like stealing and lying to loved ones to get high.

However, the underlying reasons for using drugs or alcohol can be markedly different based on a person’s gender. By undergoing gender-specific substance abuse treatment in Minneapolis, addicts can get the tailored help they need to uncover their reasons for using and then work toward regaining sobriety.

Uncovering the Root of Addiction

When addicts undergo substance abuse treatment in Minneapolis, they will have the opportunity to discover the real reasons for their dependencies on drugs or alcohol. Men, for example, sometimes begin using to fit in with their friends. They also use drugs or alcohol to mask physical pain after suffering injuries like fractures or sprains while working.

Women, on the other hand, will start using drugs or alcohol to cover up emotional or mental anguish. They may have suffered abuse in the past and do not want to confront those memories. They also might have experienced a devastating loss of a loved one and want to numb the pain from that tragic event.

Regardless of the reason for using, addicts will uncover the root of their dependencies in group and individual therapy. They can then learn coping mechanisms to help them avoid the temptation to use again.

Recreational Therapy

While in rehab, addicts will also get the chance to engage in recreational therapy. They are invited to take art classes, ride horses, take part in singing or musical therapy, and play sports. These activities give them an outlet for their emotions and distract them from withdrawal symptoms.

You can find out more about gender-specific drug and alcohol rehab online. Contact River Ridge Treatment Center at RiverRidgeMN.com.

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