What To Expect With Chemical Dependency Counseling In Salt Lake City, Utah

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Healthcare

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Many of our patients that are accessing our chemical dependency counseling in Salt Lake City, Utah come in on an outpatient basis. They may come to us because they have and a “hitting bottom” experience such as the loss of a job, loss of a meaningful relationship or because they have had a legal problem because of their drug or alcohol problem.

Yet other clients may come in because they understand that they have an addiction and they want to make a change in their lives for the better. Regardless of why they come we find that many are uncertain and more than a bit nervous about what to expect.

Individual Session
Contrary to what you may see on television or in the movies, at our facility your first session for chemical dependency counseling in Salt Lake City, Utah will be a private individual session.

This gives our counselors time to get to know you and also do a complete assessment and evaluation. They will ask you questions about your alcohol and drug use and it is critical that you provide the most honest answers that you can. Remember, these conversations are between you and the counsellor and unless you are completely open and honest they can’t design a treatment plan that will be effective.

Setting Goals
Our counselors will also typically ask you about your goals in the first session for chemical dependency counseling in Salt Lake City, Utah. They want to know why you are making the change, what you are trying to achieve personally and how they can provide the support, education, therapy and addiction recovery services that you need to be successful moving forward.

Of course, the last part of the first session with our counselor will also look at if inpatient care may be beneficial in the initial part of your treatment. This can help you in dealing with the physiological aspects of detoxifying and cleansing the body so that you have support in those very difficult first few days of the process.

If you have any question about our chemical dependency treatments give us a call; it will help you to feel good about getting started on your new life.

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