Understanding Pulp Diseases

by | Sep 6, 2013 | Dentist

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In most cases, poor dental hygiene is to blame for pulp diseases. Understanding the specifics in regards to pulp disease can help you better understand what it is, as well as how it can be prevented. A General Dentist can provide you with the proper care for a pulp disease.

Symptoms of Pulp Disease

The severity of symptoms usually depends on the type of pulp disease that you have. One symptom to look for is sudden pain when eating something hot or sweet. Also, sudden pain in the mouth is a warning sign you may have pulp disease. Mouth infections are a warning sign that you may be developing a pulp disease, as well. Read more

Reversible Pulpitis

This is a mild form of pulp disease that results in pain when you eat something too sweet or hot. If left untreated, this disease can form an abscess, which is a collection of pus and bacteria. This condition will often require a filing to correct. The cracking of a tooth can also cause reversible pulpitis.

Irreversible Pulpitis

This type of pulp disease is totally incurable. The most common symptom is a quick and sudden pain in your mouth. If this is left untreated it will result in severe gum infection and the erosion of connective tissue. This condition is commonly treated with a routine root canal but in extreme situations it may require the removal of the tooth.

Pulp Exposure

This condition is usually a result of a cracked tooth that exposes the pulp to bacteria. The most common symptom is severe pain in the affected area. If this condition is left untreated, it will result in a severe abscess. This issue can also be fixed with a traditional root canal.

Pulp Stones

This type of pulp disease involves the hardening of the pulp tissue. The hardening causes severe pain because the tissue becomes compressed in the tooth. To clear away the hardened tissue a root canal is usually necessary.

Pulp diseases, of any severity, should not be ignored. The fact is that they can lead to serious problems and pain if not treated properly, which is why you should contact a Dentist in Pleasantville at the first sign of a problem.


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