Eye Care Professionals Performing Valuable Eye Exams on Beaverton OR Residents

by | Mar 11, 2019 | Eye Care

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Our eyes are one of our most valuable assets. Good vision affects all aspects of our lives and allows us to work, play and see our family. It is important to protect your vision with regular check ups and important tests that can diagnose diseases that can be treated if caught early and preventative measures are taken. Thankfully, there are some wonderful optometrists that can assist with all of our vision care. If you need a good doctor to handle your Eye Care Beaverton OR has some of the most experienced professionals in the state.

Routine eye exams are extremely important for your health and well being. While at your visit your doctor will examine your eyes and determine if there is a need for glasses or contacts to improve or alter your vision. This is a simple procedure and patients usually read letters from a chart, starting with large letters and ending with very tiny letters. This gives the optometrist an idea of how each or your eyes’ vision can be improved. Your optometrist will also check for eye conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts, just to name a few. When completing a thorough eye exam, an optometrist has an unparalleled view of deep inside our eyes and the blood vessels that surround them. This view allows them to be the first to see signs of high blood pressure as well as diabetes. During your Eye Care in Beaverton OR optometrists will complete a thorough exam to ensure your eyes and overall health are in pristine shape.

Make sure you and your children are seen at least once a year to stay on top of all of your vision needs. It is especially important for children, as their vision is directly related to learning. Many times if a good student begins to exhibit signs of trouble at school and grades begin to falter, this can be due to vision problems. Often after the prescription of glasses, the child’s grades improve and all is well again. If you need an optometrist, you can Google Eye Care Beaverton OR for an office near you. It is never too soon to begin vision screenings. Your vision can not be replaced and you should ensure you and your family have regular visits and screenings. You will be glad your did. Visit us for more details.

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