Get a Flatter Abdomen with a Tummy Tuck Procedure in Naperville

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Health

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A tummy tuck in Naperville can flatten your abdomen, transform your waistline, and give you body confidence. Before scheduling a consultation for a tummy tuck, here are a few things to know.

Various options for tummy tucks exist. Depending on your circumstances and concerns, you may consider a mini tummy tuck, a full tummy tuck, or an extended tummy tuck. A mini tuck addresses the lower abdomen. A full tummy tuck addresses the entire abdominal area, including the abdominal wall, fat, and skin. With an extended tummy tuck, a greater expanse of skin is tightened. Tummy tucks can be performed with liposuction, hernia repair, and muscle plication.

After having a tummy tuck done, you won’t see immediate results. It takes a couple of weeks for you to see the results and get back to a normal routine.

You should not see a tummy tuck in Naperville as a weight loss procedure. To be an ideal candidate, an individual must be at or near their ideal weight. Only a few pounds of fat and skin will be removed during the procedure.

Not all who use a tummy tuck have a perfectly flat abdomen afterward. Take time to look at before and after pictures of patients, your potential surgeon has worked on to get a realistic idea of what your results could look like. Intra-abdominal fat, muscle tone, and skin quality all play a role in what your abdominal area will look like after the surgery.

Learn how you can get a great experience with a tummy tuck at the Center for Cosmetic and Laser Surgery by visiting them today.

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