5 Emergencies That Require A Trip to The Pet Hospital in Alpharetta

by | Apr 25, 2017 | Animal Health

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Being a pet owner is rewarding, and most pet owners treat their pets as if they were apart of the family. When a pet becomes ill or injured, it’s natural to feel a sense of dread and worry. Knowing when to call the vet is important when it comes to receiving the proper treatment. A vet can diagnosis whether symptoms are related to something serious and what can be done to resolve the problem. However, there are some situations that require an emergency visit to the nearest Pet Hospital in Alpharetta.

Emergencies That Require Immediate Attention

1. Irregular Breathing

Labored breathing is an indication that something is seriously wrong. Pets making “weird” noises while breathing or panting heavily should be taken to the vet immediately.

2. Unconsciousness

A pet that is unconscious and will not wake up should be rushed to the hospital as soon as they are found. This can be signs of internal bleeding, poisoning, anaphylactic shock, or organ failure. All of these conditions can be life-threatening if not treated immediately.

3. Bloody Stool or Vomit

Repeated vomiting or diarrhea with the presence of blood requires an immediate trip to the vet, especially if it has been at least 24 hours. Dehydration is a major issue that can occur and needs to be properly treated.

4. Ingested Toxins

The first thing to do when a pet has ingested something toxic is to call the vet. Let the vet know what was ingested, and they will advise on the next steps.

5. Seizures

A pet’s seizures can become life threatening. A single seizure is not fatal, but a trip should still be made to the vet. This is because seizures generally come in waves and happen more than once. For the best outcome, a vet should examine the pet after the first seizure to prevent more from happening.

Anytime there is any question whether a visit to a Pet Hospital in Alpharetta is necessary, go ahead and call the vet to discuss what is going on. They can provide detailed instructions to follow. Don’t have a regular veterinarian? Visit website to learn more about services provided by Animal Hospital of Nesbit Ferry Crossing and their friendly staff.

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